Many adults can reflect on their youth and recall a coach that hurt their feelings or even crushed a dream. In his TEDxReno talk, Bill Eckstrom shares how he moved…

Many adults can reflect on their youth and recall a coach that hurt their feelings or even crushed a dream. In his TEDxReno talk, Bill Eckstrom shares how he moved…
Dr. Bayo Curry-Winchell took the TEDxReno stage in 2022 to help illuminate some of the systemic and racist practices within the healthcare system that contribute to the Black community’s lack…
How to Make Work Feel More Effortless With the start of another new year, many of us are thinking about how to make the best of our personal and work…
The Simple Way to Inspire Your Team Most leaders think that to convey a purpose that truly inspires, they need a compelling answer to the question Why? As in, Why…
Battle Language and How to Talk to Someone With Cancer Can a word meant to embolden and fortify actually weaken the receiver? What if the person on the other end…
Are You Obsessed With Creating the Perfect Answer? This week we are going to give you the gift of how to introduce yourself. With all the upcoming holiday parties we…
How Do You Get Someone to Take a Chance on You? Continuing our series, this week we share a talk by Liv Moore on providing opportunities for others to find…
Why Doesn’t Success Bring Happiness We hope you enjoyed Emily’s talk from last week and got some new ideas. Next we’ve decided to share Laura’s talk on why success doesn’t…
Can you Increase your Confidence? Here at TEDxReno HQ we’ve been having some fun curating a series of talks for you along with a summary and questions to help you…