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When You’ve Got Trouble | Liz Longley | TEDxReno

When life introduces hard times, it is important to have a positive and productive outlet and a safe place to help us weather the storm.

In her talk, singer-songwriter Liz Longley reminds us that meaningful releases and support from loved ones can help us heal.  Being able to express what is in our heart and mind can bring an abundance of growth within ourselves.

When You’ve Got Trouble | Liz Longley | TEDxReno

She cleverly speaks of her outlet, music – as a metaphor and a healing power over the destructive noise or stress life can sometimes bring. Liz interweaves her message with stories and songs that echo the need to be kind and compassionate to ourselves and others during troubled times.

She performs “When You’ve Got Trouble”, a song that spoke to the unwavering love and compassion given to a friend in need, “Unraveling”, a song that helped her process her grandmother’s diminishment due to Alzheimer’s disease, and “Funeral for My Past”, a song that helped her put the past to rest – all written and performed as her healthy outlet to heal her heart and ease her mind.

Through her music, Liz demonstrates how opening up and being vulnerable to ourselves can aid us in our journeys through life. Liz hopes that her music can be a release for those that need it, and encourages us to find our own emotional outlets. She encourages us to find our safe spaces, so that we can go into the world as the best versions of ourselves.

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